Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hot Pots of Gelatinous Mess

For any of you who might know me or have dined with me might not be surprised that my thoughts and therefore, my blogs with generally  concern food.  Today, we will start with the free breakfast at Comfort Inn, Waterloo, Iowa. First of all, I’m not complaining  but along with your typical Continental Breakfast of cold, hard bagels (plain only), white bread individually wrapped in Saran Wrap, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran and Coffee marked “Gourmet” but the color of you average cup of hot tea, you know, so thin that when you pour the milk in, you can see it rush to the bottom of the cup and disperse. I personally prefer coffee that, upon the addition of cream, you wait about 3 seconds and a tiny blip of  slightly lighter coffee will peek up through the surface after having hit the bottom of the cup and joyously surging back up to the top to let you know it had done its job. Anyhow, in addition to all of this they had a crock pot, lined with Saran Wrap and full of slightly gelatinous Sausage milk gravy. There was a quivering pool on the counter in front of the pot where the spoon had been resting.  Here’s the thing though-- it was delicious!

Today we have set our sights on Rapid City, SD. I am excited to see some mountains and hopefully some Bison! The Midwest looks a lot like Lancaster which is beautiful in its own right but becomes a little monotonous.

1 comment:

  1. Love your description of the coffee! We are sames when it comes to the coffee. Wishing you continued safe travels!
    ~ Niki litts
